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Let’s talk about trauma and PTSD

Information about trauma and PTSD, including their symptoms, potential treatments, useful tips you can try now and into the future, and how to seek professional help.


Signs to watch

Intrusive Memories

Recurrent, unwanted memories of the traumatic event, including flashbacks and nightmares.


Avoiding places, people, or activities that remind you of the traumatic event.

Negative Changes in Thinking and Mood

Feelings of hopelessness, negative thoughts about oneself or others, and difficulty maintaining close relationships.

Changes in Physical and Emotional Reactions

Being easily startled, feeling tense or on edge, and having difficulty sleeping or concentrating.

Emotional Numbness

Feeling detached from others and losing interest in activities once enjoyed.


What Works: Treatments with Backup

Tips & Tricks

Try for today

Tips & Tricks

Try for tomorrow

Seek Help

When to seek professional help

Dr Sarah Herniman
Clinical Psychologist

Sarah is an AHPRA-registered Clinical Psychologist, and is dedicated to helping individuals lead fulfilling lives. Learn more about Dr Sarah

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