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Persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity affecting various life areas. Can make ordinary tasks challenging. Understanding ADHD is key to effective management.


Normal emotion that can become problematic if intense or uncontrolled. Understanding and managing anger positively is crucial for healthy relationships and well-being.


Persistent unease beyond normal worry. Symptoms include constant “what-ifs,” racing heart, and sweaty palms. Understanding anxiety is the first step to management.


Mental health condition causing mood extremes – mania and depression. Affects sleep, energy, behaviour, and thinking. Proper diagnosis and management are crucial.


Persistent sadness beyond mood swings. Loss of interest in activities, energy depletion, and sleep disturbances are common symptoms. Understanding is key to tackling it.


Condition involving unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviours. Driven by intense anxiety. Understanding OCD is crucial for effective management.


Disconnection from reality involving hallucinations and delusions. Can be a symptom of severe mental illnesses. Early recognition and treatment are crucial.


Severe mental disorder affecting thinking, feeling, and behaviour. Involves hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking. Understanding is key to proper treatment.


Conditions affecting sleep quality, timing, and duration. Impact daily functioning and health. Addressing these issues is crucial for overall well-being.


Lingering impact of distressing events. Symptoms include flashbacks and emotional numbness. Understanding these conditions is the first step to management.

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